The TCE – Time Charter Equivalent is used by cargo brokers in the shipping industry to present chartering opportunities to shipowners. Chartering opportunities differ widely in potential revenues and costs. The TCE is a way to describe these opportunities in a standardized way — essentially dollars per day — making comparisons easier for shipowners.
Costs of:
(1) crew wages and travel; (2) management fees; (3) hull and machinery and P&I insurance premiums; (4) stores; (5) lubricants; (6) spare parts; (7) maintenance and repairs; (8) survey and certification; and (9) drydocking. Running costs are calculated as a fixed daily cost.
Urgent open position:
For 30 M/Y M
-Chief Engineer
-Chief Steward/Chief Stewardess
-Chef cook
+30 6987096674
Free pratique is permission given by a port for a vessel to enter once it has been certified free of infectious disease by the competent health authorities.
Livestock carriers are those ships, which specialise exclusively in the transportation of large numbers of live animals together with their requirements for the voyage. (food, water, sawdust bedding, medication, etc.). Voyages on livestock carriers generally last from three days to three or four weeks.